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Honu by Śhakra Jewel 💎 & Carlos Carty

We are very excited to Introduce “Honu,” from the album and fine art collection, “In The Light of Jewels.

The track “Honu Lani” celebrates, through native traditions, the unity and connectedness of feminine and masculine energies, the unbreakable linkage of humankind to the natural world, and the relationship of heaven, earth, and sea. “Honu Lani” was conceived at Anini Beach in Kauai, Hawaii and honors Native cultures across all lands.

It is fitting, as this track marks the completion of the “In The Light of Jewels” series, to acknowledge Juliane Renée and Carlos Carty, the creative duo that has brought this uniquely beautiful album to humanity.

In prayer and deep contemplation during her daily visits to Anini Beach, Juliane was immersed in the sea, sand, and sun. While swimming in mother ocean each day she noticed the sea turtles moving ever closer to the sun kissed shore. “Honu Lani” (turtle heaven) was born out of the depths of the sea and from the center of Juliane’s heart. The Honu (sea turtles) represent the eternal link between man, land, and sea. Since ancient times they have been considered a form of Aumakua (ancestral spirit offering) within the Ohana. Ohana means family, both immediate family as well as the familial bond that all Native peoples share. In ancient Hawaiian mythology the Honu offer lifelong protection, wisdom, and guidance. As these ancient creatures popped their heads out of the sea and allowed the currents to bring them closer to Juliane she realized that the lessons they offer us are as relevant today as they were all those generations ago.

We are truly blessed to have Carlos Carty guiding and producing “In The Light Of Jewels.” His masterful playing of the native flute, among other instruments, as well as his songwriting and vocal ability is incomparable. As we are honoring all Native cultures with this track we would like to recognize Carlos, a descendent of the Inca. We honor him and his tribe. As Juliane and Carlos’ voices join in singing the Native chant, the strength of the Andes and the beautiful movement of the sea unite, and we are all blessed.

As the track “Honu Lani” opens we hear the clear strong note of the native flute welcoming us in to a special place of primal power and love. The waves from the sea join in and the voice of our mermaid guide speaks to us all.


Wake up…

You are the light in which you seek

Be open to receive

Ride with the current like HONU

Turtle of the sea”

Our mermaid guide’s voice is supported by the waves, flowing like the sea turtle, Honu, punctuated by the dancing, piercing notes of the native flute. She lovingly continues…

“Bring the magic to the surface of the sea and breathe

You just need to take a leap of faith across the ocean ponds

You will overcome hurdles

Raise your vibration with power in this hour

Take it nice and slow

Go with the flow

Feel calm and listen to your heart”

We learn that, just as the sea turtle swims with the flow of the ocean currents, we too, can move with the currents of life. With faith we can navigate our lives with connection to each other and mother nature through our hearts. The lessons from our mermaid guide flow effortlessly to our ears, hearts, and minds as her words, like the flowing waves that Honu rides upon, caress our souls…

“Dare to be different

Rise in the evening sky

Follow the lei of stars in the constellation

Hokulei in Ke Ka (stars rising like a cloud)

Wake up, and smile

We only have today

Welcome to Honu Lani”

As her words float up to the heavens we transition into a powerful breathing exercise, “OH HA," which dates back to the Inca warriors of ancient Peru. This breathing exercise destroys obstacles and activates the physical and spiritual body of the individual. We can utilize it for a powerful start to our day, or before an important life event. We are promoting this ancient respiratory practice as a tool for the evolution of the human being, as well as for the promotion of world peace. The full instructions for the breath work can be found in our newsletter.

The powerful and rhythmic breath work ushers in the primal beat of the “Honu Lani” chant. The native flute stays by our side, like a guide, leading us on a path of power and discovery of ourselves. A beautiful female voice joins the strong native male voice throughout the chant. The ocean waves connect all.

The masculine and feminine voices, while distinctly different, perfectly compliment and unite in their powerful chant…

“Yo Wey yo

Yo weyo hey

Yo weyo jaya

Yo weyo jaya

Yo we yo, hey ya

Heyo heya

Heyo hey

Heyo heya

Heyo yowey ha…”

The listener feels invigorated and connected with a primal force of movement, breath, and life.

The female voice sings…“Honu Lani, Honu Kauai.” Through the voices, the drums, and the notes of the native flute, the undulating rhythms of the ocean waves unite all. The listener is left feeling strengthened and balanced as, through the chanting, the feminine and masculine aspects have united within. We are confident in our place within the circle of life and love.

Listening to the track “Honu Lani” activates our 12th chakra, the “golden star” or “soul star” chakra. From the 12th chakra, the incarnated soul radiates outward, forming the soul aura.

We invite you to activate your soul star and bring strength, wisdom, confidence, and love into your life by experiencing “Honu Lani.” Stay tuned for the solstice premiere of our Spanish song, “Encanto Tropical”….coming 12-21-22.

Each of the 12 tracks in the album “In The Light Of Jewels” has a corresponding painting that has been painted by the artist, Vayu. These works of art are prayerfully and lovingly conceived and painted with great beauty and skill. They are truly special and gazing upon the paintings brings clarity and healing to the viewer. The “Honu” painting is moving, serene, and perfectly embodies relationship, grace, adoration, and the stillness and majesty of the ocean and sky. As the suns rays illuminate the mermaid, Honu looks lovingly up to her and their gazes meet like the sky meets the sea. She beckons him and he rises up to the warmth and light. Together they will rise, firmly rooted in the sea and floating to the heavens. The viewer is awash with the beauty of relationship as the figures and colors create movement, and emotion leaps off the canvas straight in to our hearts.

Thank you, Śhakra Jewel, Carlos Carty, and Vayu for your beautiful gift to us all.

And we thank you, the listener and viewer, for your love and for spending time with us.

With Divine Love,

Breathe Love movement


Get the Honu Lani Meditation


About the Art

Each of the 12 tracks in the album “In The Light Of Jewels” has a corresponding painting that has been painted by the artist, Vayu. These works of art are prayerfully and lovingly conceived and painted with great beauty and skill. They are truly special and gazing upon the paintings brings clarity and healing to the viewer. The “Honu” painting is moving, serene, and perfectly embodies relationship, grace, adoration, and the stillness and majesty of the ocean and sky. As the suns rays illuminate the mermaid, Honu looks lovingly up to her and their gazes meet like the sky meets the sea. She beckons him and he rises up to the warmth and light. Together they will rise, firmly rooted in the sea and floating to the heavens. The viewer is awash with the beauty of relationship as the figures and colors create movement, and emotion leaps off the canvas straight in to our hearts.

Written by Śhakra Jewel

Painting by VAYU Pedro Gallinger

This piece and others available for purchase at:


Inca Breathing Exercise

Inca Breathing Exercise OH AH, to destroy obstacles, antidepressant and activator of the physical and spiritual body.

1000 years ago, the Inca warriors of ancient Peru used this rhythmic breathing to increase blood pumping and good circulation in their bodies, increasing mental attention and physical performance, the rhythmic sound sounded powerful in chorus creating a powerful drum along with the sound of their footsteps marching into battle.

We rescue this ancient respiratory practice by transmuting it for world peace and the evolution of the human being.

This practice can be done individually or in a group with the help of an instructor.

1. Stand tall with an erect and imposing posture.

2. Exhale for 1 second pronouncing OH without using the vocal cords.

3. Inhale through the nose in a second,

4. Exhale for 1 second pronouncing AH without using the vocal cords.

5. Inhale through the nose.

6. Repeat the cycle for 1 minute.

7. Maintain a steady, steady pace without speeding up or slowing down.

8. You can complement this practice with rhythmic movements, dance, body percussion.

Ideal to start your day with a lot of power, before an important event in your life.

Good breaths.

Carlos Carty



Releases November 12, 2022

“Honu Lani”

Lyrics and vocals

Śhakra Jewel Carlos Carty

Carlos Carty

Lyricist & Vocals

Music Producer & Music Video Production

Artist - Śhakra Jewel

Lyricist & vocals

Video footage - Kaua’i north shore

Aninin Beach, Hanalei Bay

Album Cover - Pedro Gallinger

Breathe Love Movement editor

Jennifer O’Brien

Copyright by Juliane Renée

all rights reserved

Breathe Love Meditation Space & Healing Services

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